Knowing how to take care of your family’s personal favorite clothes is crucial because everyone values clean, wrinkle-free outfits. When doing laundry, it’s essential to understand how to wash and dry different colored clothes effectively.
How you dry your colored clothes can impact how long they last and how they look.
Putting colored clothing together to dry is not recommended, mostly due to colorfastness or color bleed. Dark-colored clothing may transfer dye or stains to lighter-colored clothing, especially when slightly moist.
If you put together clothes of different colors, the lighter ones pick up some of the colors from the darker ones because they have a high color pigmentation. Washing like with like is the secret to successfully cleaning colored garments.
If you’re wondering why it isn’t a good idea to dry colorful clothes together, read this article to uncover some interesting info.
Things You Need To Know Before You Dry Different Colors Together

Sorting different colored clothes is usually a good idea before washing them. You can end up with several separate loads and smaller laundry heaps. However, this can be advantageous.
Putting different colors in the same load of laundry may be terrible. Even if the red sock is tiny enough to fit in a half-load of laundry, your pale blue shirt will become a patchy purple if it isn’t colorfast.
Those unintentional color transfers don’t just produce color runs. Additionally, they may hasten the greying of white clothing.
Even if you are washing something that you have washed a thousand times before, there can still be a trace of dye that robs your white garment of its beautiful brightness. Bringing it to a dull and lifeless state.
Check the care label on each item before placing them all in the washing machine. It is too simple to wash a blue clothing with other blues and discover that it shrunk because the water temperature was too high.
There are many kinds of materials, How often have you retrieved a dark t-shirt from the washer to discover that it was coated with tiny lint strands? This occurs when materials that shed lint in the washer are combined with those that don’t.
The primary lint-spreading offenders are baths and hand towels. Never wash them in the same load as your shirts, sweaters, jeans, or skirts, especially if they are dark colors like black, brown, or dark blue.
Can You Dry Different Colors Together?
No, Due to all the tumbling and twisting in the dryer, it is not advised to dry different colors together.
You may think it is okay to dry several colors together since drying doesn’t require water or detergent. Additionally, it can seem like drying everything at once is okay but even slightly moist dark or colored garments may transfer dye to white or light-colored clothing in the dryer.
Likewise, clothes in the washing machine can transfer colors, even if they have been cleaned several times.
Color bleeding may still occur since the garments are still wet, and certain items, such as sweaters, may be torn if they come into touch with things with zippers during the tumbling process.
In the end, the best course of action is to follow the manufacturer’s directions and do what works for you and your laundry.
Related Post: Can You Dry Light And Darks Together?
How Do Separate Clothes For The Dryer?
After washing, you should split your items into different color and shade groups before drying them. Keeping some garments apart from others might be confusing. Let’s examine how to separate your clothes for the dryer now.

1. Color
You must first separate the clothing into groups based on colors. The darks and lights must be kept apart. For instance, if you dry white and violet together, the violet might bleed color onto the white.
You must thus separate clothing items of various hues.
2. Texture
You must dry Clothes of various textures together since they may cause harm.
You must thus separate between garments that attract lint and that produce it. Otherwise, the quality of the clothes will degrade.
3. Material
You may also sort garments made of different fabrics. Otherwise, the damage might occur to both items. For instance, if coarser and finer materials are dried together, the coarser materials will harm the finer ones.
Consequently, you must separate various kinds of clothes before washing and drying.
4. Old and New
You must separate new and old clothes before drying and washing them.
Because if new and old clothing is washed and dried together, the brand-new clothes may contain chemicals that might transfer to the used clothing. You must thus split them.
You should separate and arrange your clothes in this manner.
What Happens If You Put Dark And Light Clothes Together?

Color runs may happen while washing and drying dark and light clothes. However, it could be okay to combine colorfast clothing.
So you’ve been tasked with washing laundry and looking at an overloaded basket. You see a dark shirt mingled with lighter clothing as you separate the jumble into lights and darks.
The first thing you think to do is to hide it among your other dark clothing in the hopes that no one will notice. However, what if someone does find it?
First, do you have a bleach that is color-safe? If not, there is a possibility that your darker clothes will stain your lighter apparel.
There are several solutions to this issue, so don’t worry.
If you have available color-safe bleach, add it to your laundry load during the rinse cycle. You may also use white vinegar instead. It will assist in getting rid of any extra color from the clothes without causing damage.
Try doing a second rinse cycle after laundering your clothing in cold water with detergent if you don’t have access to color-safe bleach or vinegar.
There is no reason to worry about colors blending if you keep your lights and darks apart. Still, it’s also okay to wash all your garments at once.
Ensuring your washer has enough water to dilute any color that may run from darker clothes is the key to combining dark and light apparel.
If you have a top-loading washing machine with an agitator, add just enough water to allow the clothing to move freely through the washer. For the greatest results, use a front-load washer’s heavy cycle.
Can You Dry Whites And Colors Together?
No, you shouldn’t dry whites and colors together due to colorfastness or color bleeding. In such a scenario, the fabric becomes wet, the dye is extracted from its fibers, and then transferred to other garments.
Damage may also happen when the white fabric touches zippered clothing.
Whites and colors shouldn’t be dried together for two reasons. The first is the most obvious: if your colored clothes get dyed, they are ruined.
The second, less visible but as awful possibility, is that the dyes in your colored clothing might give your whites a murky tint. Then they are also destroyed!
Why Do Dark Clothes Bleed On Color One?
Bleeding of color may occur with any color; however, it is more likely to occur with dark hues such as black, blue, and red. It is because the dye is more likely to transfer since these shades include more pigment.
What Colors Can You Dry Together?
So let’s explore what colors you can mix to dry together.

1- Light Clothes Together
You can also let some light colors dry at the same time. You may dry colors like pink, light green, olive, yellow, khaki, orange, light brown, and light blue together. A few colors may be spread, but it wouldn’t affect the rest of your clothes.
2- Dark Clothes Together
You can dry dark colors together. For instance, mix dry black, grey, purple, navy blue, brown, and other dark hues. If these colors cause color bleeding, the clothes won’t lose their real color.
3- White Clothes Together
Generally speaking, out of all the goods, white clothing is the one that will pick up color the fastest.
Well, the tumbling and twisting in the dryer aren’t great for either whites or colors, so it’s best to dry them separately. That is, you must separate between whites and other colors.
What Colors Can You Not Dry Together?
Washing your light and dark clothes separately is crucial since darker colors may cause havoc on lighter fibers.
Sort your pinks, lavenders, light blues, light greens, and yellows into a separate load of washing from your greys, blacks, navies, reds, dark purples, and similar colors.
Can You Stop The Color Run On Clothes?
Stop color runs on clothes by avoiding mixing colorful and non-colorfast fabrics. To prevent color runs, there are a few more things to do.
Suppose you’ve ever attempted to dry a brand-new item of clothing, particularly one with as much color and design as a tie-dye shirt or other vivid apparel. You may have noticed that some of the dye seeps in that case.
Although a color run might be challenging, there are techniques to remove it from your clothing.
Color runout is often easy to fix with a few do-it-yourself steps:
- Use a dishwashing detergent with enzymes to wash your clothing in cold water.
- Wash it once more in the dishwashing detergent after rinsing it in clean, cold water.
- Continue the procedure until the cloth is completely colorless.
- Wash clothes as normal in warm (not hot) water, then hang them up to dry or tumble-dry them on a low setting.
Add enough bleach to the soaking solution to make the water somewhat yellowish-green if you have white items that have color stains on them (if your clothes are white).
To avoid entirely ruining the clothing by rinsing away all colors, add 1/4 cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle at the end.
How To Properly Dry Your Clothes To Avoid Any Damage
If you want to dry your clothing without harming them, you should air-dry them instead of using a dryer machine. By air drying them, you’ll be minimizing the heat and friction given to the fibers, which will keep them intact for a longer period.
Drying your clothing in the dryer might be quite tempting. When you get home after completing duties, the clothes will already be dry and prepared for folding and storage.
However, you should stick to air drying if you want to maintain your clothing in excellent form.
All you need to do to air-dry clothing is remove them from the laundry and hang them up with clips or other hangers until they are completely dry.
There is no additional heat or friction. You won’t have any of the harm that the dryer would have caused, but they will take a lot longer to dry, particularly with thicker fabrics.
It’s important to keep in mind that hanging items to dry by air requires leaving them up for at least 24 hours for complete drying.
Before folding and storing them, make sure they are completely dry. Otherwise, it can cause moisture-related problems like mold.
Heavy cotton clothing and items like jackets and trousers will probably take much longer to dry. It is why having a drying rack is useful.
So, Can you dry different colors together? Well, It’s not totally recommended to dry darks, whites, and lights together.
The clothing are still wet after the wash, so color bleeding is a possibility, and certain fabrics, like sweaters, might be harmed if they come into touch with others that have zippers during the tumbling process.
It is crucial to take precautions while drying darker-colored items alongside lighter-colored clothes, as doing so might cause the dye to run.