Are you facing stubborn yellow stains in your bathtub, sinks, or toilet? These yellow stains look very awkward but should you throw the whole tub out?
I know the terrible problem of yellow stains in the bathtub. These stains are caused by the deposition of hard minerals in your tub or sink. No one wants to take a bath in such a tub, and it also negatively impacts guests.
You should check your water; if it contains excessive amounts of calcium and magnesium, hard water is not suitable for you.
You don’t need to throw the whole tub out; instead, remove yellows stains. Firstly we will discuss some of the significant factors that cause yellow stains in the bathtub, and then we will discuss the solution. So keep reading!
What Causes Yellow Stains In Bathtubs?

Although there are many solutions to clean yellow stains in the bathtub, you could also face this problem again in the future.
We have to find the root cause of this problem, and many factors cause yellow stains in the bathtub, so let’s discuss them one by one.
1- Hard Water
The hardness of water is typically caused by dissolved calcium and magnesium. And hardness above about 200 mg/L can result in scale deposition.
According to ecological and epidemiological studies, hard water is one of the significant root causes of yellow stains in your bathroom.
If you live in such an area, it is time to take immediate action to get rid of this problem. (We will discuss the solution in the next section).
How To Know That Your Water Is Hard?
If you don’t know that your water is hard or soft, you can do a small test. If you live in an area, then it is time to take immediate action to get rid of this problem. (We will discuss the solution in the next section).
- Fill the bottle about 1/3 from your tab.
- Now add a few drops of pure liquid soap to it.
- Shake it for 15-20 seconds.
- Check the water’s appearance. If it looks cloudy, it means your water is hard.
2- Rust In Water
If your water turns yellow, it means that it has rust in it. Apart from this, you can also notice some particles floating in the water.
The primary cause of rust is iron in water, although iron is beneficial for your health if it’s present in sufficient amounts. But excessive amounts of iron react with oxygen molecules in water and cause rusting.
Such rust water can easily cause yellow stains in your bathtub, sinks, and toilets. Additionally, rust water is pretty acidic, so it’s harmful to your skin and hair.
3- Tannins In Water
If the taste of your tap water is unpleasant and bitter, it means there are Tannins in it. It’s organic matter that reacts with different minerals in water and turns it yellow. You might think it’s some rust, but it’s another thing.
If you live in a countryside area, you might face this issue. This type of water is not suitable for washing clothes, dishes, etc. Excessive tennis in water can leave yellow stains in the bathtub, sinks, shower, and toilets.
4- Oils Can Also Cause Yellow Stains
This is another reason that can cause yellow stains. And I have faced this problem, I was using hair oil in front of the mirror, and often some drops fell in the sink that caused terrible stains after some time.
Sometimes you are not using oils, but most products contain oily chemicals that can react with water and cause stains.
Secondly, never try to place your oily products near sinks or bathtubs because these oils react with water and produce stubborn stains over time.
5- Humidity In Bathroom
The next factor that causes yellow stains in bathtubs is humidity. The humid air in your bathroom finds a cold surface to condense. As a result, the mold and mildew find the best place for their live, and their presence in bathed causes yellow stains.
Similarly, if dirt and dust on the bathtub’s surface absorb the humidity, they transform into yellow stains, and with time these stains become more powerful.
6- Few Cleaning Products
If you’re using cleaning products in bathroom then it’s an alarming condition. Because few cleaning products contain harmful chemicals and VOCs that may cause yellow stains in the bathtub.
So before getting any cleaning product, you should check whether it’s safe. Read the instructions carefully on cleaning products to avoid terrible reactions with the bathtub.
Tips To Prevent Bathtub From Yellow Stains

Your bathtub needs care and maintenance to avoid dirty yellow stains. Especially if you are facing a complex water problem, then you should take immediate action. Hard water not only ruins your bathtub but also affects your skin, hair, and health.
1- Use Of Baking Soda
Although backing soda is used in cakes, cookies, and others to bak other stuff, most people also use baking soda to remove stains from shirts, fabrics, and even tiles.
And you can also use baking soda to remove yellow stains from the bathtub. First, apply baking soda to the yellow stain and leave it for a few minutes, then use any microfiber cloth or brush to remove it. It’s better to wet microfiber cloth before cleaning baking soda.
2- Lemon Water
Lemon contains acid, which is useful for your body’s metabolic purpose but also helpful in removing stains from the bathtub. Lemon not only removes stains, but it’s a natural whitening action that makes your bathtub look new. And it’s the best alternative to other cleaning chemicals.
To remove yellow stains from the bathtub, first, add the juice from 2-3 lemons in a hot water glass. Allow the mixture to cool down for a few minutes, pour it on the stains and wait for 5 – 10 minutes.
Next clean the stained area of the bathtub using a microfiber cloth or paper towel. This process will remove the yellow stains from the bathtub.
3- Bleach
Bleach is considered the best way to remove stains from clothes. But you can also use it for bathroom cleaning purposes. Bleach contains sodium hypochlorite, an effective chemical for removing yellow stains in the bathtub.
For cleaning stains in the bathtub, sprinkle bleach on them; you can also use any spray bottle, etc. Once you have poured bleach on the stains, leave it for a few minutes, then clean it with a brush. In case of harsh stains, rub vigorously until the stain disappears.
4- Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is another treatment for yellow stains in the bathtub. This powerful acid breaks the bonds between them and makes them disappear. If you have hydrogen peroxide available at home, you can use it on stains.
Before using Hydrogen peroxide for cleaning purposes, make sure that it’s available in dilute form because its high concentration may affect the bathtub’s surface.
First, sprinkle the Hydrogen Peroxide on the yellow stains and leave it for a few minutes, then clean the stains with a soft brush or microfiber cloth.
5- Use Filters
You can use an under sink water filter, shower filter, or a whole house water filter to avoid a problem of hard water. These filters reduce calcium and magnesium from water and make it soft and usable.
The best water softeners you can use are AquaBliss High Output shower filter, AFWFilters 5600SXT 48,000 Grain Water Softener, and Frizzlife Under sink water filter.
6- Add Water Softener To Water
Add a water softener to your water, and it will automatically make your water soft by removing calcium from it. As hard water is a significant cause of yellow stains, if you add softener, say goodbye to yellow stains.
7- Use Dehumidifier
If there is more moisture in your bathroom, you should use a dehumidifier. The dehumidifier will remove the moisture from the air and maintain the desired moisture in the atmosphere.
Although the dehumidifier can’t remove yellow stains from the bathroom, it reduces the moisture, which is the cause of the yellow stain.
8- Let The Sunlight In
The sunlight will not only be the source of Vitamin D, but it’s also helpful for maintaining moisture in the bathroom. Open the windows and ventilators of your bathroom and let the sunlight come in.
The sunlight will dry the moisture in the bathtub and the rest of the bathroom, and the stain automatically becomes weak, and then you can easily remove them with any cloth or brush.
9- Contact Toilet Cleaning Services
If you find stains too strong and not easily removed, you can contact any professional toilet cleaning services. They have professional products and solutions to remove yellow stains from bathtubs.
How To Remove Yellow Stains From Plastic Bathtub
Sometimes yellow stains also appear on the plastic bathtub. The plastic bathtub has a smooth surface, so you can easily remove yellow stains from them.
To clean plastic bathtubs, you can use different Home remedies. Baking soda or a dishwasher removes yellow stains from plastic bathtubs.
If you do not have baking soda, you can use a dishwasher; just put 1 or 2 teaspoons of dishwasher into 1-quart water and then spray the solution on the stain. Now take a clean cloth and scrub it on stains until they disappear. Next, rinse with clean water, and you’re good to go.
How To Remove Hard Water Stains From Plastic Bathtub
Hard water usually causes lime stains on bathtubs; these stains get harder with time. So if you see any such stain in your bathtub, take immediate action.
To remove hard water stains from the plastic bathtub, you can use white vinegar, which is acidic and easily remove such chalky stains.
But before using vinegar, you have to dilute it in water. For extra cleaning, you can also add baking soda to the solution. Once the mixture is ready, spread it over the effected area in the bathtub and leave it for a few minutes.
After 10 to 15 minutes, clean it with a dry microfiber cloth, and scrub the cloth until stains disappear.
How To Remove Mold From Bathtub
Mold stains in bathtubs are very frustrating, even if you don’t want to bath. The major cause of mold in your bathtub is moisture and a wet environment. So you should keep your bathroom dry.
To remove mold stains from the bathtub, you must use any detergent or bleach. In case of mold and mildew, vinegar is not much effective.
First, mix 1 part of bleach with two parts of water; you can also make it more concentrated for stubborn stains. Now sprinkle the solution on stains, but using a spray bottle is recommended for this purpose. After spraying on effected area, let it dry for a few minutes.
After 10 minutes, spray on harsh stains again, immediately rub with a soft brush, and scrub until the stains are gone. Now rinse the area with clean water.
Final Words
I hope you understand what the primary cause of yellow stains in the bathtub is. We have deeply gone through some of the significant reasons. You can use above mentioned tips to prevent bathtubs from yellow stains.
How to get a plastic bathtub white again?
Your tub may turn yellow because of hard water. To remove these stains, you can use ⅓ cup of vinegar in 3 cups of water. Pour it on the affected area and leave it for 15-20 minutes, and lastly, scrub it with a brush.
What type of water is best for a bathtub?
Soft water is perfect for bathtubs. It doesn’t cause yellow stains in the tub, and your tub lasts for a longer time. Hard water can minimize the lifespan of a bathtub, and it’s a major cause of stubborn yellow stains.
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